The Infamous Colonoscopy Prep!!!
Well tomorrow I have a lovely colonoscopy to go to. While the actual procedure is not a big deal, regardless of what people say. The worst part in my opinion, is the prep.

First you have to stop all anti-inflamatories 4 days before the procedure. For someone with chronic pain issues like myself, that is just torture! I have been in constant pain in one area or another for 3 days now. The nights are the worst! On top of that a fibroflare has come upon me. For those who are not familiar with what a fibroflare is, it is according to the Fibromyalgia & Chronic Myofacial Pain Syndrome by Devin Starlanyl, a time of high intensity pain and grief, an overwhelming episode of pain in your trigger and tender points that can either creep up on you or hit suddenly with all the subtlety of a barreling express train. Flare, like a flash-fire, is all consuming. Good explaination!
Well the above is just a precursor to today, the day before the procedure, which is by far, the WORST thing I have ever had to go through. For those who have had a colonoscopy, you know what I mean. Since Friday, I have been on what is called a Low Residue Diet. Basically it is hospital food...blah! Today is a clear liquid diet day along with a forced chemical flushing of the system if you know what I mean!

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