Laundry Day and the process of preparation
For most people, laundry day is just another chore that people go through each week or every few days. For me, laundry day is a well planned, well thought out machine.
I have to gauge how heavy the laundry is, how to get it to the car without hurting myself, how to get it out of the car the same way. I am sure it must boggle the mind of those who don't have to think about the little things that I put so much thought into laundry. But that is the life I have to live in order to keep me as pain free as possible. I also have the same process for taking out the garbage to the dumpster, making the bed and doing dishes.
This is the life of a Chronic Painer that no one understands. I would compare this thinking to having a brand new baby. All the preparation that has to go into what used to be a simple operation, like going to the grocery store....or going anywhere for that matter! I totally sympathize with brand new parents and what they have to go through. Ironically, people in general understand this height of preparedness but not what CPers have to do to accomplish the same. Its a shame that it has to be that way.
This is the reason this blog exists to present the side of the CPer and to make everyone aware that people with invisible illnesses deserve respect similar to those who have obvious illnesses.
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