The Fear of Chronic Anxiety
Well after fighting for independence from my anxiety and panic disorder, one day has me back in that to almost square one.
One of those things is my previous post. The fear of leaving my home because of possible PIs from my long-term disability insurance company has my agoraphobia alive and kicking after I fought so hard to take control of it. It makes me angry and these people!

The second thing that has brought panic back to my life is something rather strange. About 4 years ago I was working at a company and 3 people made my life a living hell. It got so bad I was constantly shaking and throwing up at work on a regular basis. Because of these people, my agoraphobia and anxiety issues began. Well turn the clock to Tuesday. My husband asks me if I worked with a certain person. I really had to think about it because I have moved on and blocked these people from my mind. Well, it seems one of the BIG 3 has just been hired at my husband's company. How the information came about was they were talking about people who they used to work with who called out a lot. My husband mentioned a person and the new guy asks if it is me, while laughing as if I was a standing joke. He said no but that is my wife so I would shut your fuckin' mouth. Needless to say it did exactly that.
Now that is all fine and good but I wish he wouldn't have told me about the incident because my physical symptoms of my anxiety are back. The hard time swollowing, the lump in my throat that won't go away. The headache, the shaking, being unable to sleep well.
So between the two incidents in one day I am now a walking mess. Just as I was starting to feel better from my facet injections and getting ready to start exercising again.

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