To do or not to do the dishes????
I must apologize for my lack of blog postings the past week or so. Our computer crashed and I have been very busy bulidng it back up. What a chore!
Did you ever have one of those days when you have a chore to do but you just don't feel like doing it, so you put it off??? Well my menace for the day is the dishes. My husband who had a nice three day weekend actually made dinner twice, but of course when it came to the clean up slacked. Typical guy or what???? Sigh. So now there is an abundance of things in the sink and has creeped up onto the stove since he made pizza and the pan is just too big for anyplace else.
Unfortunately I am so tired and not feeling well the past few days that the amount of dishes keep piling up and up..and up!
UGH! Sometimes I hate having a chronic illness. Today is just one of them days.
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