I feel icky! I'm sure you do too!
AC - Check
Water - Check
Sunscreen - Check
Hat - Check
Staying out of the sun - Double Check
Alright....now I am doing what they say to help people stay cool, but why do I feel like shit? Oh yeah, that's right I have Fibromyalgia. DUH! I keep forgetting.

There are just so many conflicting websites with erroneous information or just plain WRONG information that it is so hard to know what to do with yourself to keep on an even keel. Especially if you are a newbie to the world of FM, as so many are nowadays. The best advice I can give a person with FM (old-timers and newbies) is to take inventory of your body in each and every situation. And I mean EVERY situation. It is the only way to keep track of how you will do daily. Just the simple act of doing dishes, going grocery shopping or visiting a friend can bring on a pain flare on certain days. It is okay to let the dishes sit for a day, a true friend will understand and let someone else can do the groceries (let your husband (or wife or teenaged child) do them for a change!).

Well today I have an appointment with my pain doc for Trigger Point Injections (or TPIs as I call them) and hopefully I will get some relief from the pain that way. I also may be getting new pain medication because the med I was on didn't seem to be controlling my pain as it should. So I have been taking a two week trial period off the med to see if I feel the same off it as I did on it. Well, I did, so obviously it wasn't working as it should. I just hope that whatever he gives me is a generic, for cost reasons obviously, and that it will help me. Today is a really rough day for me so far and a vacation from the pain would be a welcome friend right now.
Well that is all for today.....keep cool everyone!

Oh I forgot to add....got the results back from my colonoscopy...I am fine. Phew! Another bullet dodged.
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