Scams concerning FM
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The Advertising of Fibromyalgia Treatments
Karen Richards
Beware Fibromyalgia-Targeted Advertising
As we prepare to celebrate National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day (May 15th), we have good reason to celebrate. The awareness level of the public, the medical community and the media is at an all-time high. However, this increased awareness has also made fibromyalgia (FM) patients the target audience for a multitude of fibromyalgia treatment products promising to improve or even “cure” FM.
There are some very good products available that can offer at least a degree of symptom relief, however, there are also many questionable products and a few downright scams. As the understanding and recognition of fibromyalgia has grown, hundreds of companies with health-related products have scrambled to market their products to 10 million suffering patients –– desperate to find something that will help them.
Questionable Advertising
A TV ad asked, “Are you a female with fibromyalgia?” It then offered a free copy of an “eye-opening report” and instructed me to call a toll-free phone number or go to their web site. With the red lights of my inner “scam-alert radar” flashing, I went to the web address. No clue as to what the “report” was about or what product they were selling –– just a form to fill out with my name and address so they could send me the report. Next, using *67 to block my phone number from showing up on caller ID, I called the toll-free number. Once again, I was just asked for my name and address.
Now, I can’t say whether or not this is a scam because I refused to give them my personal information. However, I am automatically suspicious of any company who will not even tell you who they are until they get personal information from you. I do feel fairly certain they are trying to sell something. Their mysterious advertising technique ensures they will have a database full of their target audience –– women in pain, looking for help.
To Buy or Not to Buy
How do you determine which products are worth trying and which are more hype than substance?
Don’t make a decision to purchase a new product when you’re having a really bad day. Your desperation to feel better may cloud your judgment. Wait until you feel well enough to evaluate the product rationally.
Do you personally know anyone who has used this product? Don’t rely on what you heard that a friend of a friend said. If possible, talk to more than one person who has tried the product and get their honest evaluation. Support groups are a good place to ask several people at once.
What kind of proof does the manufacturer offer to validate their claims? Look for reputable research studies and clinical trials. Be careful if their only proof is testimonials of people you don’t know.
Remember that no one product works for everyone. What helps your friend may not help you and visa versa.
Always consult your doctor before trying a new product or treatment. Some products may not be compatible with medications you are taking.
Red Flags
Before trying any new product or treatment, look for these warning signs:
**Products or treatments promising to cure fibromyalgia. There is no cure for FM, so you know upfront they are making a false claim. The product may or may not help improve one or more symptoms, but it will not cure FM.
**Teaser ads that do not reveal the name of their product upfront. Usually they require that you give them personal information before they will tell you their big “secret.” This is simply an advertising ploy to get your name, address and phone number to increase their mailing/calling list.
**Products that claim to cure or help a wide variety of very different illnesses. No one product can cure everything. The etiologies of diabetes, hypertension and fibromyalgia are very different. It is highly unlikely that one product will improve all of them.
**Products that require a fairly significant financial outlay to try. While it may or may not be a quality product, the question you must as yourself is: If this really does help me, can I afford to continue purchasing it every month? If it does not fit into your budget on a long-term basis, don’t waste your money trying it.
**Products that have no verifiable research or clinical trials to back up their claims. The companies selling these products usually offer lots of “personal testimonials” to prove how good they are. These recommendations sound deeply sincere and can be very persuasive. The fact is, though, you have no way of knowing whether these testimonials are even real.
**Companies that offer “free” products or treatments. Read the fine print and ask lots of questions before agreeing to try what they offer. Often there are hidden fees or commitments such as, processing fees, membership requirements, get one month free if you commit to six months, etc. Remember the old adage: If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
Updated: June 15, 2006
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