Chronic Pain, Insomnia and the Neighbor from Hell!
Well I am up at 1:30 in the morning because of my lovely next door neighbor.(Note the sarcasm here!)

Regardless of all the medication that I take to sleep, this person still wakes me up at about 1 every night. Oh trust me I have tried complaining to the landlord, calling the cops, you name it. Nothing seems to work for long. Combine it with she has been served eviction papers and a whole new kettle of fish comes into play!
Angry? Damn right I am angry! What right does she have to do this? Doesn't she understand people sleep at this hour??? I guess not.
Now I was supposed to go to an Arthritis Symposium but now that may not happen. I have to drive 45 minutes to get there and on a good day that is difficult but add in a night like tonight and I will be a mess. Well, I just took some meds that I should normally take an hour from now but I figure what they hell. I need to sleep. On top of it all, my stomach is doing flip-flops because of my agitation.
With all that I have going on in my life, why is it my luck I get stuck with the neighbor from hell????

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