Thursday, September 21, 2006

Day after the Radio Frequency Ablation

Well, I had the RFA yesterday and needless to say boy did it hurt!!! Today I am very tired and my back/backside is very sore. I had my nerves diddled from the L3 to L5 area. So I am sure that the area is full of bruises. According to the doc, it should take up to 7 days for it to finally take hold totally. I feel a little different already. Normally I have this numb, painfully heavy feeling in my left leg but not last night for once. It was a little strange but welcome relief.
Friday I also start physical therapy again. That should be interesting....NOT! It should be painful. Well I gotta do what I gotta do I guess.

Well its a few days of rest so that my back can heal a little before tomorrow.